Experience the extraordinary career, educational, and quality of life assets available in Bloomington-Normal, a bustling mini metropolis in the prairie of Central Illinois. With median household incomes rivaling suburbia, four colleges and universities, and a combination of cultural amenities and rural ambience, this McLean County metro region is uncommon. It’s the history, architecture, and art; the youthful vibe of a university town; a sizzling local food scene; an emphasis on sustainability, and 37 miles of recreational trails connecting neighborhoods to schools and businesses. Getting here is easy via interstates, planes, passenger trains or iconic Route 66 through the heart of Bloomington-Normal and McLean County.
With all Bloomington-Normal has to offer, what will be your BN Advantage?
Share some of our favorite BN Advantages with our easy-to-use, downloadable document. Share with other community members, investors, or perspective visitors.
See why Bloomington-Normal is a top rated city. Click to download or print a copy of the top 10 advantages Bloomington-Normal has to offer.
We are working to consistently and successfully deliver the social and economic environment needed to compete in the global economy. Six county-wide organizations have partnered to create this Advantage:
Bloomington-Normal Economic Development Council
McLean County Chamber of Commerce
McLean County Regional Planning Commission
Bloomington-Normal Area Convention and Visitors Bureau
Bloomington-Normal Airport Authority
Connect Transit
Volunteers representing more than 35 public and private organizations, businesses, and institutions collaborate on multiple task forces focused on:
Talent and Workforce
Quality of Life/Place
Community Brand Development
Progress Measurement
BN Advantage is our next great community initiative. These efforts are first of their kind in collaboration and participation. Bloomington-Normal is poised for growth, and the time to act is now.
The BN Advantage Metrics + Indicators Task Force
Organized by the McLean County Regional Planning Commission, is charged with reviewing, developing, and coordinating a regional dashboard of community indicators. These metrics tell the story of BN, focusing on demographics data as well as talent and employment trends, industry and entrepreneurship, real estate, taxes, equity, and quality of place. In working to build a community brand for BN, we know we have to be able to track our progress and to tell stories that might not make front-page headlines. We want to show you the most accurate snapshot of Bloomington-Normal-McLean County possible, so take a look at how BN is constantly changing and progressing.
We can’t do it alone. Our strength comes from the entities that make up our BN Advantage collective. From Business to Tourism, our partners represent the diverse experience and reach we have. Our goal is to promote the Bloomington-Normal area by highlighting what the area has to offer.