Sign up for monthly e-news updates from BN Advantage!
The 22-member BN Advantage Leadership Council is hard at work regularly meeting in task forces focused on innovative ways to elevate and advance our community’s economic competitiveness and growth. Our five major task forces consist of many of the most engaged and creative minds McLean County has to offer. Here's what you'll get when you sign up for each category:
BN Advantage
Our main update will be published at the beginning of every month, highlighting the latest BN Stories, community events, and new local recognition on a broader scale for which BN can be proud.
Community Brand
Our 10-member Marketing and Communications Task Force is working to build a brand the reflects our vibrancy - by being sophisticated, fun, and forward-looking. Find the latest ways our group is working educate more and more people on the BN Brand - locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally.
Conventional and non-conventional lenders, business advisors, and successful small business owners create financing opportunities with advisory and mentorship programs to give start-ups the assistance and encouragement they need to succeed. Learn how our group of innovators, incubators, and inventors is working to build on a culture that encourages growth from within the community.
Progress Measurement
Metrics, chosen based on the goals of the BN Advantage plan, comprise a dashboard of indicators to track the plan's overall progress. Stay up-to-date with this first of its kind community initiative.
Quality of Life/Place
Implementation of inspirational ideas creates an innovative community attractive to a talented and diverse workforce. We know our community has unparalleled QOL, but come see how we're striving to make it even better.
Workforce Development
Made up of two subcommittees focused on curriculum on an educational level and employer engagement on the professional tier, the Talent and Workforce Task Force is made up of educators, trainers, and employers collaborating on developing programs that build a talent pipeline for McLean County.
Choose from these categories by clicking below to sign up.